Learning about a different kind of Nature

Well, it has been well over a year since my last post. Sorry for appearing to avoid you all, but I have had a good reason.

In April 2013 my wife and I welcomed our first child in to the world so in the months leading up to that and ever since then we have had our hands full (metaphorically and literally).

Our little tyke Ewan has introduced me to many more aspects about Nature than I would have thought possible; body-clocks, nutrician, hydration, sleep patterns, happiness and laughter.

Having a child really teaches you about what is important in life and that we really need to appreciate things more.

Ewan with ears

Ewan with ears


Much like his old man, Ewan loves being outside enjoying Nature. He points at everything and takes it all in. So awesome to see him marveling at colours, sounds, smells and textures that are around us. It is so easy to forget what it must be like to experience all of that for the first time. We get so used to it and often take it for granted.

Enjoying the sun in a hammock in the garden.

Enjoying the sun in a hammock in the garden.


Ewan is nearly one year old and it is amazing to have seen his progression so far. I can’t wait for the second year of his life and all the fun times that will be had.

Another aspect of Nature that I never thought I would enjoy this much.

NZ Christmas Trees

Well it is the Christmas Holidays as you will all know.

Some countries have the classic White Christmas which is a magical experience, here in NZ it is summer so we get a warmer (normally), less white holiday season.


One of the New Zealand native trees that flowers around this time is the Pohutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa), this is known as the NZ Christmas Tree with its great red or crimson flowers bursting to life all over the country.


I noticed today that there is one on our neighbours property that we get a great view of and it is in full bloom.


Pohutukawa in bloom


Pohutukawa in bloom

So whilst we don’t get the enjoyment of playing in the snow during this time of festive fun. We do get the wonderful view of our very own explosion of Christmas colour which spreads it’s own kind of joy.


My favourite flower

Been working in some gardens recently.

Whilst most of it is just pulling out weeds there are the occasional times that there are awesome sights to be seen.

One of my favourite flowers is the Bird of Paradise flower seen below.


bird of paradise flower



I love the creative shape and the amazing colour.

Thank you Nature for your inspirational plants.

Wildlife photographer of the year

The results of the Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2012 have been announced.

Below are the overall winner and a couple other of my favourite photos.


Overall Winner: Bubble-jetting emperors by Paul Nicklen


Animal Portraits Winner: Warning night light by Larry Lynch


The World in Our Hands Winner: Ice matters by Anna Henly


To view all the winning photos go to The Guardian’s website here


Thank you Nature for continuing to inspire and amaze us.

Spring is here – the flowers are out

The best part about the arrival of spring is all the brilliant blossoms that surround the streets and gardens.

I got a welcome surprise from my garden when I found awesome flowers blooming from a plant that until now didn’t look like much at all.

I guess that showed my ignorance of the plants that we had in our own garden (Although in my defense we have only lived here since May and did not plant it ourselves).






It is always nice to have some colour around the place.

Thank you Nature for your brilliant colours.

Free range

I am a big supporter of free range eggs.
I think mankind are better than needing to hold animals in a torturing-like environment just to get some food.
Chickens deserve as much freedom as humans.

One day I will have my own chickens and will not need to buy eggs. Until that day I will continue to buy free range to support the industry.
I hope that others will realize the importance of doing this and join me.


This is what I have just bought today.
I’m not sure if what I found inside was planted or not, but it sure helps give the impression of being authentic free range.


A lovely little feather to keep one egg slightly warmer.

Please consider free range eggs when you next shop. The price difference is not huge but it sure makes a big difference to the poor hens.
Thank you Nature for the incredible egg.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

9th of August. Today is the the day that Internationally we celebrate the World’s Indigenous People.

To be able to look forward and plan for the future we need to know our history and where we have come from.

I have a distant link to the Indigenous People from New Zealand; the Maori. I am 1/64th Maori (7th generation) and I have had some exposure to the culture, life and history of the Maori. I think it is something that everyone has to do in their own countries for their respective Indigenous Peoples.

A Maori warrior performing a haka. The action of sticking out the tongue is called a Pukana.

Although not a traditional Maori haka, the All Blacks share a bit of Maori culture with the world each time they take the field and perform this war dance in preparation for their battle.

All Blacks performing their haka ahead of a test match. Lead by Piri Weepu.

I urge everyone to take some time to investigate the history of their own country (and others) and learn about their Indigenous cultures.

As Nature would have it there are often similarities between indigenous cultures all around the world. They have each mastered  how to survive in their particular climate and utilize what is around them without destroying it. There are things we can learn here I think.

For more information you can go to the UN website.


Let’s celebrate Indigenous People all around the world.

Earth power!

It has been a while, sorry about that. Been busy studying and working out what I want to do with my life.


I always felt that if you are not going forward, you are going backwards.


That is part of the reason I decided to do some study this year and further my education. I am studying Renewable Energy Technology at the Southern Institute of Technology. There are a couple of great things about this course; firstly, it is free to NZ residents as SIT have the Zero Fees scheme, and secondly I can do it via correspondence meaning I don’t have to freeze living in Invercargill. Instead I still freeze but get to stay at home. 🙂


I have learnt some very interesting things so far on this course, mainly to do with power from Nature. IE the Sun’s energy, Wind power, Tidal power, etc.


Did you know that if just 1.3% of the earths deserts had Solar Panels installed they would produce enough electricity to supply all of the worlds current energy requirements! How cool is that? Some people think they look ugly but I actually quite like a huge array of solar panels laid out perfectly, looks quite spectacular. And a good way to utilize otherwise unusable land. I think it shows how far mankind has come. What do you think?



Alternatively I’m sure that if every house on earth had a couple of good solar panels on its roof along with good insulation and efficient lighting then that would achieve a similar outcome. And if these guys can do it then I’m sure we can.




They don’t have to be on our houses. Let’s get creative.



We just have to harness Nature’s awesome (renewable) power. Thank you Nature

Another day to celebrate…. Happy World Oceans Day 2012!

Another day to celebrate that I had no idea even existed until this morning.

Happy World Oceans Day everyone!!

As we (should) all know, water covers about 70% of the earths surface which is huge! And imagine how deep some of these oceans go, it is nearly enough to give you a headache.

For more information about the day from the official website click here



It’s good to see that Greenpeace NZ has had a good campaign today regarding tuna sustainability at Foodstuffs and awarding PAMS and Ceres for their efforts.

For more from them and their celebration of the day go here


Have a great day celebrating more of Nature’s best.

World Environment Day

Happy World Environment Day!!!

I just found out that today (5th June) is the World Environment Day (WED). How cool is that?

Apparently it has been celebrated since 1972! 40 years and this is the first I have heard, how crazy.

Even if ‘Being Green’ sounds a bit too hippyish for you, and the thought of being ‘eco-friendly’  brings ups images of driving around in a Prius wearing hemp clothes, I still encourage you to have a read about what this day means.

It is a day for everyone and it is where the world is heading whether you are actively assisting it or not.

Small steps like recycling, using fabric bags for shopping or carpooling not only help the world, but helps your conscience and sometimes even your pocket.

If you want to read more about the day then go to the United Nations page here.

Join the Facebook page also here.

With the world uniting we can stop the destruction of the earth and help preserve Nature in all it’s glory.

Without the world, we can’t live. It’s that simple. I know I love living, do you?